
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Make your own baby leggings! So easy and inexpensive!

Ok, so I'm a little addicted to baby leggings.  Even though I live in Arizona.  And it's only cold for like two weeks a year here and the rest of the time it is HOT.  Still, I just can't resist them.  I think they are adorable!  If they were around when my older boys were babies I did not know about them, otherwise they would have been wearing them.  A lot.  

When I discovered them just after this little guy was born I just had to get some.  And then when I discovered that they are super easy to make, I knew that he would have like 50 pairs!  So far he only has about 5, but it's a start.  And I promise the collection will continue to grow.  ;)

You can easily make baby leggings from women's knee-high socks for much cheaper than buying them new and the best part is that it only takes a few minutes of your time to whip them out.  You can find cute knee-high socks for about $2-$3 a pair at places like Wal-Mart or Walgreens.  (I bought the socks that I used in this tutorial at the grocery store!)

You can also find super cool socks at  thrift stores or at garage sales for next to nothing!  I actually have a few pairs of socks just waiting to be turned into cute baby leggings that I picked up at the thrift store for only about $1 a pair.  

FYI: I have very little experience with sewing and am basically learning as I go and this was very easy for me to do.  Anyone that knows the basics of how to run a sewing machine should easily be able to do this.  

So here are the instructions to make baby leggings:

Find a pair of women's knee high socks that will make super cute baby leggings.  Like these:
These were only $2.50!
Then cut the socks just above the heel.
I also got this super cute pair for $2.50!
If your baby's legs are big enough or your socks are tight enough that the leggings will stay on your baby without a bottom cuff then you can stop here and use the socks as is because they should not fray.  However, if you are going to need a bottom cuff like my little man does then continue.

Next cut a section of the foot part out between the toe and the heel and then discard the toe and heel.  This part that you just cut out is going to be the bottom cuff of the leggings.  (There's no need to make a top cuff because the top of the sock will be the top cuff of the leggings.)


Cut a piece out of what will be the bottom cuff if you need to make the cuff smaller or tighter. 
I cut out about 1/2 inch.

Then sew the cuff back together with the wrong sides facing each other so that it is once again like a tube.

Now fold it in half so that the two cut ends are together.  Make sure that you have the right sides facing out and the wrong sides facing each other.
Now put the bottom cuff on the end of the sock.  Make sure that the cut ends of the cuff are at the very bottom of the leggings next to the cut end of the leggings (all of the cut ends should be together) and that the right sides are facing out on both the leggings and the cuff.  
Now sew everything together along the bottom of the cuff and the leggings.  WARNING:  I am not a very experienced sewer.  Forgive me if I am sewing incorrectly!  
After you have the cuff sewn on flip it down and admire your work!
These cuffs were not sewn on perfectly, but luckily it's hard to tell once it's on the baby.  ;)

Now go put them on your adorable little one and stare at the cuteness!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Egg carton as a pill box!

David wanted to prepare all of his vitamins for the next several weeks so that they would be easier for him to take, but we didn't have any of those little pill containers.  I couldn't think of anything for him to use except for baggies and I didn't want him wasting a ton of baggies for just a small amount of pills per day and then he got a great idea.  He used egg cartons! They actually worked great!  

Just starting to prepare them...

Here are his vitamins all prepared and ready to take!

I absolutely love repurposing things instead of just tossing them in the garbage.  Over the last few years I have become increasingly aware of how much we unnecessarily consume and waste in our society and it makes me sick.  I was glad that David found a way to sort his vitamins with something around the house instead of running to the store to buy something new.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I'm still here...

Ugh.  Why am I so terrible at keeping up with a blog?!  I have lots to update on here.  First, I am finally single!!!  WOOHOO!!!  It was finally official a couple of weeks ago.  What a long, crazy and emotionally-draining process it was to finally get there.  It was definitely something that I thought would never end when I was in the middle of it, but it did.  Amazing how life is like that.  Everything turns out OK and resolves itself in one way or another and life keeps moving forward regardless of what we've been through or what we're facing.  I love it.  And I love how strong we become along the way and the wisdom we gain through the process.  I am now dealing with things in my life that I never could have thought I could handle.  And I'm fine.  I also wouldn't trade the knowledge that I've gained through the very rough past couple of years I've had for anything.  I know people say things like this all the time, but I really do mean it.  I love the way that it changed me.  I really was put through the refiner's fire and I am much better for it.  For the first time in my life I really like who I am and feel comfortable with myself.  While I was in the middle of everything I couldn't understand why so many horrible things were happening to me, but I look back now and can fully acknowledge that God's ways are not our ways.  He knew what I needed most for my own personal growth.  The best part is that I felt Him there the entire way and I knew that I was not alone.  Life is great!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Here's how to make the cutest side dish ever...

Go and get some of those cute, tiny, mini pumpkins.  You know, the kind that people use for decoration along with those funky-shaped gourds and stuff.  You're not going to decorate with them, though.  You're going to eat them!  That's right, they're totally edible and super good!!  

I had no idea that these cute little pumpkins are edible until I came across a recipe for them while searching for sugar pumpkin recipes.  I was so excited when I saw the recipe that I couldn't wait to try it.  Then I happened to go to the farmer's market shortly after finding the recipe and totally scored because they were selling them for only 5/$1.  A side dish that is insanely cute for only $.20 a serving??  Ummm... yes, please!  This recipe is so easy and SOOO good!  It will definitely become a regular side dish during the fall season in our house. 

To cook these adorable pumpkins, first cut the tops off just like you would a jack-o-lantern and use a small spoon to scoop out the seeds and stringy stuff.  Then, put about a heaping teaspoon of butter, a heaping teaspoon of brown sugar and a few shakes of salt inside of each pumpkin.

Next, replace the tops and admire the cuteness.

Now, place the pumpkins in your preheated oven for 30 minutes.  At the end of 30 minutes test the pumpkins by piercing one with a fork to ensure that they're done.  The fork should easily go in. 

Here's how they look fresh out of the oven.

Look at the yummy, melted butter and sugar sauce on the inside.  As soon as you cut this baby open, this yummy sauce will pour out onto your plate and you can dip the pumpkin in it. Yummm!!!

And here it is on my plate. 

(Do you like my fancy dinnerware?  My kids think these plates are the coolest for some reason and ask to use them all the time.)

The rest of the dinner wasn't too shabby either.  

I tend to keep things pretty simple, but I don't like to sacrifice on flavor just because it's simple.

I cut boneless, skinless chicken breast up in chunks and sauteed it in a good amount of coconut oil.  I seasoned it with salt, pepper, thyme, sage, rosemary and a bit of nutmeg.

The green beans were sauteed in a good amount of butter and were seasoned with salt, pepper, onion powder, sage and rosemary.   They were really good!

Go get yourself some mini pumpkins and make an easy and cute fall side dish!  You'll be as happy as this kid.

That's one happy pumpkin smile.  (And yes, that's also pumpkin all over his face.)

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Picture Says a Thousand Words

Tonight we had a Relief Society activity and they provided daycare for the kids, so Jackson and Carter went off to play while I had some much needed adult interaction.  When the meeting was over and I got the boys, they came tearing into the cultural hall with papers they had colored in their hands, running around like caged animals that had just been set free.  After the initial burst into the hall, I herded them over to me and had them help me put away some of the folding chairs, which they were super proud to help do.  They also helped carry some items to the kitchen, which made Mommy proud of their helpful little attitudes.  It wasn't until we were in the hallway on  our way to the car that I saw what they had drawn.  I could not believe what was on Jackson's picture.

It was actually a picture of something!!!  (Usually he just draws math equations when given a blank piece of paper or something of the same nature.)  This is huge!!  He totally used his imagination and that is a very big milestone for a child with autism.  I've never seen him draw something like this before.  The first thing when looking at the picture with him that caught my eye was the "To Shea."  I asked him if it said, "To Shea" and he said, "Yes, I made it for you.  You're Shea."  (I have no idea why he didn't just write "Mommy!")  Then I told him how much I liked the rainbow and I asked who was under the rainbow and he said that it was him and then he continued to describe what was in the picture.  He told me that he was holding an umbrella and that it was raining and the rain was coming out of the sky.  Then he asked if we could hang it on the fridge when we got home.  You had better believe that I told him yes!  I told him that I was never going to get rid of it and that I love it!  I was completely blown away by his picture!  I have no idea if the girls watching him helped him draw it or not, but I'd really like to know if they did.  I'm going to try to find out, but even if they did help it's obvious that he did the actual drawing and just the fact that he would want to draw something like this instead of numbers or math problems is incredible!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lightning Lighting up the Night

Tonight on the way home from Casa Grande it was getting dark and there was a lot of lightning off in the distance behind some clouds.  It was beautiful.  I pointed it out to the boys and they thought it was the most fantastic thing and the rest of the way home they would tell me every time they saw it strike and whether it was a "big" lightning or a "little" lightning.  Such a small thing, but it's moments like this that make being a parent so cool- playing a part in your child experiencing something for the first time and seeing the impact it has on them and how exciting it is for them.  It's amazing. 

We have a birthday coming up...

So, we have a birthday coming up.  Jackson will be turning 5 at the end of the month.  

The handsome birthday boy himself
The last several years I have not done anything too special for my boys' birthdays because my life has been, well, completely crazy to say the least.   I always felt overwhelmed and would wait until the last minute and then throw something together for them.  And then I would feel really guilty because that's just not the kind of mom that I envisioned being.  It wasn't that I felt guilty because they weren't getting some over-the-top party, it was that I didn't make it a priority to make it special the way that I knew that I could.  Luckily my kids are so young that they have no clue that I did things the way that I did, but things are different this year and I am determined to do better from now on.  I want my kids to have awesome memories of their birthdays and of holidays.  I want them to feel special.

This birthday is going to be a very exciting one.  Jackson has made tremendous progress and has an understanding and awareness that makes everything so much fun!  When I compare where he was last year to where he is now there is a world of difference and it's unbelieveable.  He can tell me the things he wants and the things he likes.  He knows his birthday is coming  up and talks about it.  We can talk about who's coming to his party and he gets really excited.  He was able to tell me what theme he wanted for his party.  He couldn't have done any of this a year ago.  Because he's doing so amazing I really want to throw him a party, which I haven't done since his 1st birthday.  It's also super fun because Carter's at an age where he understands so much more and is also looking forward to Jackson's birthday.

So, the plan is a pool party on September 1st.  I have a lot to do to get ready and I want to get it all done early so that I'm not stressing.  I'm going to try to make his pinata myself and hope it doesn't turn out disastrous!  I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to put in the pinata because I hate dyes and artificial ingredients and some of the kids coming can't tolerate them anyway, so regular candy is out.  So far I've bought some trinkets, stickers, craisins and all-natural fruit roll-ups.  I also thought of making some cookies or something the day before and putting some cookies in baggies for it.  If you guys have any ideas on all-natural treats or other things I can put in the pinata, please share.  I need ideas!  (It needs to be relatively inexpensive, though!)

I bought little craft baggies like these (1 in. x 2 in.) for the craisins and any other treats that I can think of.  Help me come up with ideas for their contents!!