So, we have a birthday coming up. Jackson will be turning 5 at the end of the month.
The handsome birthday boy himself |
The last several years I have not done anything too special for my boys'
birthdays because my life has been, well, completely crazy to say the
least. I always felt overwhelmed and would wait until the last minute and then throw something together for them. And then I would feel really guilty because that's just not the kind of mom that I envisioned being. It wasn't that I felt guilty because they weren't getting some over-the-top party, it was that I didn't make it a priority to make it special the way that I knew that I could. Luckily my kids are so young that they have no clue that I did things the way that I did, but things are different this year and I am determined to do better from now on. I want my kids to have awesome memories of their birthdays and of holidays. I want them to feel special.
This birthday is going to be a very exciting one. Jackson has made tremendous progress and has an understanding and awareness that makes everything so much fun! When I compare where he was last year to where he is now there is a world of difference and it's unbelieveable. He can tell me the things he wants and the things he likes. He knows his birthday is coming up and talks about it. We can talk about who's coming to his party and he gets really excited. He was able to tell me what theme he wanted for his party. He couldn't have done any of this a year ago. Because he's doing so amazing I really want to throw him a party, which I haven't done since his 1st birthday. It's also super fun because Carter's at an age where he understands so much more and is also looking forward to Jackson's birthday.
So, the plan is a pool party on September 1st. I have a lot to do to get ready and I want to get it all done early so that I'm not stressing. I'm going to try to make his pinata myself and hope it doesn't turn out disastrous! I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to put in the pinata because I hate dyes and artificial ingredients and some of the kids coming can't tolerate them anyway, so regular candy is out. So far I've bought some trinkets, stickers, craisins and all-natural fruit roll-ups. I also thought of making some cookies or something the day before and putting some cookies in baggies for it. If you guys have any ideas on all-natural treats or other things I can put in the pinata, please share. I need ideas! (It needs to be relatively inexpensive, though!)
I bought little craft baggies like these (1 in. x 2 in.) for the craisins and any other treats that I can think of. Help me come up with ideas for their contents!! |